6 Ways to Make Your Small Business Website Stand Out

Let’s admit – floating as a small business in a sea of huge ones isn’t an easy feat. You have to convince people to leave an established brand and try you out. This needs intense planning, time, and resources. Most small businesses end up in failure because they can’t manage all these at once.

Given how most companies are now going online, having a digital presence is another task you have to perform. It is something that every business must work on, regardless of its size. Research by Visual Objects shows that when people look up brands on the internet, 45% of them will go to the actual store if they like what they see online. This includes having a good website, positive reviews, and a trustworthy Google Business Profile.

Studies like these make a point that a small business entrepreneur should have a solid digital strategy. One that attracts relevant consumers and makes the product or service stand out in the market. Your website is the first interaction your prospects make with you. It should be flawless and impressive.

Check out some tips on how to make your small business website stand out:

  1. Minimal Design

Having a website that doesn’t have an overload of information is a fundamental requirement for web designing. Platforms that are cluttered tend to turn off the visitors. An ideal website makes good use of white space and provides relevant information without throwing too much text in the visitors’ faces. At the same time, such sites offer easy navigation to prospects. A clever blend of images and text impresses people and convinces them to check more pages.

It takes learning and planning to come up with such websites. You should hire a web designer upfront to tackle these complexities. We suggest looking at your current website to see what needs fixing before making any changes. Remember, a simple design is usually better for achieving your goals than following the latest trends.

  • Add Video Content

The use of video content is a great way to catch visitors’ attention and hook them to explore more about your brand. You can let them explore behind the scenes of your business to convince them about your diligence and transparency. You can also create a short video introducing your employees and their appreciation for the work culture. Highlighting important elements like your dedication to the environment is another way to grab more visitors.

That said, the focus of these videos should be on the content that is relevant and spikes interest among your audience. Good videos can help you reach your marketing goals better. Whether you want more people to visit your website, make more online sales, or make your brand more well-known, good-quality videos work better than low-quality ones.

  • Present a Clear Info Hierarchy

You can’t expect visitors to scan through the website to find what they are looking for. As people nowadays are usually on the go, they can land on your competitors’ websites within seconds. So, try to make it easy for your website visitors to get what they want.

Information hierarchy refers to the way you organize content on your website. It is how users will engage and convert on your platform. This hierarchy includes:

  • What pages do you need for the site?
  • What content will be on those pages?
  • How those pages are connected?
  • What the goals of those pages are.

A website map is the first thing you need before you start with the design. It is always a good idea to contact professionals in your surroundings as they understand the local markets better. If you are based in Orlando, search for a “website development company Orlando” to find experts in your area who can help you design your site perfectly to stand out in the digital realm.

  • Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

According to Search Engine Land, more than 60% of all searches happen from mobile devices. A website optimized for mobile phones provides easy navigation, fast loading time, and a responsive layout that adjusts to different screen sizes. When you create a smooth and enjoyable experience for your mobile-using customers, you can increase user engagement and decrease the bounce rate.

Even Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites on its search engine. By catering to mobile users, a small business can expand its reach and engage with potential customers more easily. It also reflects positively on the brand as users perceive the business to be modern and tech-savvy.

  • Build a Customer-Centric Design

A small business aims to attract more customers and turn them into loyal ones. This needs adequate planning, and your website should be designed with customers in mind. The two common mistakes that most small businesses make are:

  • Not addressing the customers’ issues
  • Not having vivid calls-to-action (CTAs)

Customers are more interested in learning how a business can address their pain points. They may not be interested in finding out how exclusive your product is and your history. Secondly, if they don’t find a way to connect with you, they are likely to quit your portal sooner than you expect.

  • Enhance Your Credibility

A great website design reflects trust and credibility. A bunch of things you can do to enhance your credibility are:

  • Add reviews and ratings
  • Provide video testimonials
  • Talk about features and latest additions
  • Link with authentic companies

You can showcase impressive achievements at the top of your main header image, but it might be better to put them lower down the page. People who scroll down are more likely to be interested in your content and trust your brand more as they get more engaged.

Key Takeaway

People expect a website to be easy to use and attractive. If your site is too plain or too complex, they won’t be spending much time, as there are always better options out there. Don’t expect to come up with an incredible website within a few days. It takes a lot of testing and iterations to create a website that stands out. So, we would encourage you to take a step forward, and always seek assistance from professionals who know the ins and outs of the field pretty well!