Max Boot Wife Who Is Max Boot Married To?

Max Boot, a prominent foreign-policy analyst, best-selling author, and journalist, has led a multifaceted life characterized by his extensive work in foreign affairs and his significant contributions to journalism. Boot’s journey from his birth in the Soviet Union to becoming a key figure in American foreign policy and media is well-documented. However, his personal life, particularly his relationships and family experiences, often remains in the shadows. This article aims to shed light on the lesser-known aspects of Max Boot’s personal life, offering a more intimate look at the man behind the public persona.

Who is Max Boot?

Max Boot is a highly respected figure in the realm of foreign policy and journalism. He has written for esteemed publications such as The Washington Post and has been recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on armed conflict by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. In 2019, Boot was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, further cementing his status as a leading voice in his field. His career has seen him advising two Republican presidential candidates on foreign policy, breaking away from the GOP, and serving as a CNN analyst and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Family, Wife, and Encounter with 9/11

Despite his public prominence, details about Boot’s personal life are scarce. In the early 2000s, he was known to reside in Larchmont, New York, with his wife, Jeannette, and their three children. An article by Berkley Publishing in 2001 provides a rare glimpse into Boot’s family life and their harrowing experiences during the 9/11 attacks.

At the time of the attacks, Boot worked at the Wall Street Journal, located near the World Trade Center. On that fateful day, he was on his way to work when the subway he was in was evacuated by police. Boot witnessed the collapse of the South Tower from half a mile away and ran to his office, describing the scene as chaotic, with debris, ash, and smoke enveloping the area.

Jeannette, who also attended UC Berkeley and graduated in 1991, was overcome with fear for Max’s safety. The couple was unable to communicate immediately due to the disruption of phone lines. It took two agonizing hours before they could speak, a delay that felt like an eternity, especially after learning that one of Max’s close friends had perished in the attack.

After reuniting, Max and Jeannette relocated to their home in Westchester. Despite the personal trauma, Max compartmentalized his emotions to focus on covering the 9/11 story for the Wall Street Journal. Jeannette’s perspective on this is telling; she was not surprised by his ability to switch to work mode, understanding that his journalistic instincts would drive him to report on the event comprehensively.

Max Boot’s Reported Second Marriage

In more recent years, there have been indications of changes in Boot’s personal life. An archived article by Harbinger Student Media titled “US Foreign Policy in the Trump Era” mentions Boot attending a 2019 presentation organized by the Peoria Area World Affairs Council (PAWAC) with his wife, Dr. Sui Mi Terry. This article links to a YouTube video from the event, where Dr. Terry, an expert on Korean issues and former intelligence officer, is introduced as Boot’s wife.

Dr. Sui Mi Terry’s expertise complements Boot’s foreign policy work, particularly in areas concerning Korean affairs. Their partnership, both personal and professional, adds a new dimension to Boot’s life, suggesting a collaborative dynamic that extends beyond their marriage.

Life Beyond the Public Eye

Max Boot’s life is a testament to his ability to navigate complex and often dangerous landscapes, both professionally and personally. From his harrowing experiences during 9/11 to his evolving family dynamics, Boot’s story is one of resilience and adaptability. His relationship with Jeannette, marked by mutual understanding and shared trauma, and his reported marriage to Dr. Sui Mi Terry, reflecting a partnership rooted in shared professional interests, offer a glimpse into the personal life of a man who has spent much of his career in the public eye.


Max Boot’s personal life, though not often in the spotlight, reveals a depth of character and experience that complements his professional achievements. His journey from the Soviet Union to becoming a key figure in American foreign policy and journalism is enriched by his family experiences and personal relationships. By exploring these aspects of his life, we gain a fuller understanding of Max Boot, not just as a public figure, but as a husband, father, and partner.