Newt Gingrich Wife Who Is Newt Gingrich Married To?

Newt Gingrich’s conversion to Catholicism is a fascinating journey that intertwines his personal life, intellectual pursuits, and spiritual awakening. This transformation, deeply influenced by his wife, Callista Gingrich, reflects a slow and deliberate process of embracing the rich philosophical and theological traditions of the Catholic Church.

Callista Gingrich: A Devout Influence

Callista Gingrich, Newt’s third wife, has been a significant influence on his spiritual journey. A devout Catholic who sings in the professional choir at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Callista’s faith was a cornerstone in their marriage. “I have always been a very spiritual person,” she shared with the Christian Broadcasting Network, emphasizing her daily prayers and gratitude for God’s blessings.

Newt Gingrich, initially attending Mass to support his wife, found himself increasingly drawn to the rituals and teachings of the Catholic Church. His regular attendance at Mass became more than a supportive gesture; it became a personal exploration and eventual embrace of Catholicism.

Intellectual Attraction to Catholicism

Gingrich’s conversion was not a sudden emotional decision but a gradual, intellectual journey. Known for his love of books and big ideas, Gingrich was captivated by the philosophical richness of the Catholic Church. Political scientist Mark Rozell notes, “There is a very deep intellectual tradition within Catholicism, and perhaps Gingrich found a natural connection there.”

Gingrich’s interest in the Catholic Church’s history and its impact on Western civilization deepened as he studied its role in significant historical events, such as the fall of communism. His intellectual pursuit culminated in producing a documentary in 2010 about Pope John Paul II’s historic trip to Poland, highlighting the church’s influence on global politics.

The Turning Point: Pope Benedict XVI’s Visit

The pivotal moment in Gingrich’s spiritual journey came during Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the United States in 2008. Gingrich described the Pope’s presence as “joyful and radiating,” confirming many of his thoughts and experiences. This encounter led him to seek formal conversion to Catholicism.

On March 29, 2009, Gingrich was confirmed into the Catholic Church, a moment he described as bringing him a profound sense of peace. “I understand when you give the sign of peace, and when the priest says, ‘Peace be with you,’ in a way I never did 10 or 15 years ago,” he told EWTN, reflecting on the transformation in his spiritual understanding.

A Complex Past and Public Perception

Gingrich’s conversion did not erase his controversial past, marked by marital infidelity. His relationship with Callista began while he was still married to his second wife, raising questions about his sincerity. Critics, including some conservative Christians, have highlighted this irony, using it as satirical fodder.

However, Gingrich has openly acknowledged his mistakes and sought forgiveness. “I’ve had to go to God for forgiveness. I’ve had to seek reconciliation,” he stated during a debate, emphasizing his personal growth and maturity over the years.

Cultural-Warrior Catholicism

Gingrich’s conversion has resonated with many conservative voters, aligning him with the values they hold dear. His stance on social issues, including his anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage positions, aligns him with the culture-warrior Catholicism that appeals to conservative Christians. Political scientist Mark Rozell explains that many evangelicals prefer a devout Catholic like Gingrich over a lukewarm Southern Baptist, seeing his strong stance on social issues as a positive attribute.


Newt Gingrich’s journey to Catholicism is a complex narrative of personal, intellectual, and spiritual transformation. Influenced significantly by his wife Callista and driven by his intellectual curiosity, Gingrich’s conversion reflects a deep engagement with the rich traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church. Despite his controversial past, his commitment to his faith and alignment with conservative values continue to shape his public persona and political appeal.